Wealth building
smart wallet

Ideation Project 


Design a user-friendly interface that seamlessly blends with the OS, to allow easy and quick access to all your money

Build an intuitive flow that engages you with your money eliminates jarring experiences by organizing finances in a simple intuitive way

Visually create an approachable, fun-looking visual identity that resonates with the public.





In today's fast-paced world, where financial threats loom large and personal finance complexities grow, there's an ever-increasing need for a robust defense system. A system not just designed to protect, but to proactively guide and enhance our financial well-being. Enter Waplet - not merely an app, but your personal Money Antivirus.

Imagine a tool so intuitive and comprehensive, it not only monitors and protects your financial health against threats but also educates and empowers you to take control. That's Waplet.